Tegan & Avery Family Farm Wedding

As I packed my swag into my trusty ford territory I knew in my heart that this wedding would be special. I do love travelling for weddings as it does get me out of my comfort zone and I get to see some new places.

So off to Wycatchem I go!

Avery & Tegan have know each other since Tafe and both have a love for the land. They both reside on a wheat farm that has been in Avery's family for 4 generations, there is even a street named after them! 

A perfect location for a wedding. Tegan had always wanted to get married in the paddock under the old gum tree.

After some last minute preparations to the shed out the back the fellas decided to get ready with the traditional toast and good humour. As the Brides maids,  Tegan and her mum walked down the wheat path. Avery was speechless welcomed Tegan with his huge cheeky grin. The ceremony has honest and came straight from their hearts. Once the ceremony and the traditional family images were taken we set out to the farm. Here is just a small example of the creatives we took along the way. This would be one of my favourite time as its a time for me to create some fab images that you would be proud to put on the wall. Now the party begins with a grand entrance, lots of laughter and few tears and wedding traditions. Tegan & Avery took advantage of my creme de creme package. Get in touch if you would like more info. Thanks for reading. I'm a photographer and I do find blogging really daunting!!